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'Diversify' is a project that I have been running and developing alongside my business over the past 2 years. Its is a movement to help us all along to way to diversifying the community that we have in our hills and mountains. 

Over the past few decades, the diversification of our hill community has been slowing occurring. We have begun to move away from a single race and gender community to one that is more reflective of our wider society. 

This project is helping this movement by raising awareness of the necessity to increase the accessibility of outdoor courses to all people, as well as creating a system where subsidised courses can be offered. 

The Women's Climbing Weekends that have been running over the past few years have been an integral part of developing 'Diversify.' and the ideas and practicalities behind it's creation.

If you have been on a course with me, you will know how passionate I am about making the hills and mountains a place for everyone, no matter where you come from or who you are. 

Soon, there will be a new section on the booking page of every course that will allow everyone who books onto a course the chance to donate towards subsidising places on courses for those who would not normally be able to access them. This will be entirely voluntary. It is an exciting step towards creating more accessible courses. 

This project is by no means suggesting that people in the minority groups are all unable to pay for their own courses. It is building a system that allows the creation of more inclusive courses, encouraging more people into the hills and offering subsided places for those who may not be able to pay the full cost.

Previously, this is something that I have run on a much more casual cash donation basis. This has been so successful that I am now in the process of formalising and developing this scheme to build it into my business.

Keep an eye out on here as this develops further! If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

If you would like to make a donation to 'Diversify.' then the link to do so is here:

Time is TBD
Thank you for your donation!
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